拼音:pín fá de 英文解釋:
indigent; lacking; lean; meager; necessitous; poor; short相關詞條:
lamentable 2.
meagre 3.
slim 4.
spare 漢語造句:
- 他們不得不從獲得的稀少而貧乏的線索中盡其所能地進行推斷。
He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available.
- 還應把土地計入這個貧乏的物質財富清單;
To this scanty inventory of material wealth, ought to be added their land;
- 內容貧乏的論據
a tenuous argument
- 內容貧乏的演講
a sterile speech
- 貧乏的講演;由於乾旱而變得貧瘠的地區
An impoverished speech; a region impoverished by drought
- 文化上或精神上貧乏的環境或生活
Situation or life that is culturally or spiritually unproductive
- 擺脫貧乏的生活方式
Scratched out a meager existence
- 你的想像會是豐富的還是貧乏的?
Fancy with a flourish or plain?