拼音:pí fū英文解釋:
cutis; derma; skin【醫】 commune integumentum; derm; derma-; dermat-; dermato-; dermo; tegument
velamenta corporis commune
(1) ∶指身體的表面覆蓋層,由復層鱗狀上皮及毛髮、汗腺和皮脂腺等構成,起保護、... >>查看“皮膚”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.leather 2.kishke 3.cutis 4.dermis 5.derma 6.tegument 7.integument 8.derm例句:
- 把這種軟膏搽在皮膚上,讓它滲進去。Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in.
- 麻瘋病是一種影響皮膚和神經的疾病。Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.
- 鞋子擦破了她腳上的皮膚。Her shoes chafed the skin on her feet.
- 這種物質對敏感的皮膚有刺激性。The substance is irritable to sensitive skin.
- 毛織物會使我的皮膚過敏。Wool irritates my skin.
- 需要移植新皮膚。New skin had to be grafted on.
- 她的皮膚像絲綢一樣光滑。Her skin is as smooth as silk.
- 他的皮膚是棕色的He had brown skin.