拼音:piān xiàng英文解釋:
deflection; lean to【醫】 deflection; deviation
【經】 bias
不正確的傾向,多指掌握政策過左或過右,或在幾項工作中只注重某一項 >>查看“偏向”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 那篇報導偏向罷工工人。The report was slanted in favor of the strikers.
- 糾正偏向correct a deviation
- 理想的酸鹼值應該是7.4,高於7.4便是偏向鹼性、低於7.4便是偏向酸性。Optimal pH is 7.4. Above 7.4 tends to alkaline. Below 7.4 tends to acid.
- 這條路偏向右邊。The road inclines to the right.
- 對事件的有偏見的描述;偏向於被告的判決。a biased account of the trial; a decision that was partial to the defendant
- 因為我是他的母親,對他的看法自然是帶有偏向的。Since I am his mother, my opinion of him is naturally a prejudiced one
- 以一種修辭學上偏向於形式的方式。in a rhetorically stylistic manner
- 具有無偏向性特點的。characterized by a lack of partiality.