字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>偏頭痛的英文翻譯 “偏頭痛”的日文翻譯


拼音:piān tóu tòng


【醫】 bilious headache; brow ache; brow ague; brow pang; cephalagra
hemicolectomy; heterocrania; megrim; migraine; migrainous headache
sick headache; vasomotor headache


又稱偏頭風。陣發性的一側頭痛,由頭部血管舒縮障礙所引起。常反覆發作,亦有經久不愈... >>查看“偏頭痛”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 針刺療法治療偏頭痛的臨床觀察
    Clinical Observations on Acupuncture Treatment of Migraine
  2. 頭痛期結束後,偏頭痛發作結束或者還沒結束。
    Once the headache is over, the Migraine attack may or may not be over.
  3. 誰也不想有偏頭痛
    A sick headache is the last thing anyone will like to have.
  4. 偏頭痛有哪些特點?
    What are the typical features of migraine?
  5. 偏頭痛肝氣鬱結證、肝火上炎證與健康人MMPI的對照研究
    A Control MMPI Study of Migraine
  6. 誰也不想有偏頭痛
    A sick headache is the last thing anyone will like to have
  7. 托馬斯·傑弗遜的頭痛:是偏頭痛嗎?
    Thomas Jefferson’s headaches: Were they migraines?
  8. 大約有20%的偏頭痛患者伴有先兆症狀。
    Approximately 20% of Migraineurs experience aura.
