拼音:pēn qī英文解釋:
spray paint; spray-paint【化】 spraying lacquer
用壓縮空氣將塗料噴成霧狀塗在木器或鐵器上 >>查看“噴漆”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.spraypainting 2.nitrocelluloselacquer 3.spraypaint 4.lacquering 5.paintspraying 6.paintingspray 7.lacquer(varnish) 8.spraylacquer 9.spray-painted 10.spraypaint漢語造句:
- 他在當地工廠當噴漆工。He's a paint sprayer in the local factory.
- 新的一層噴漆將使這台舊腳踏車煥然一新。A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much.
- 噴漆家俱比刷漆好。Spraying the paint on the furniture is better brushing.
- 新的一層噴漆將使這台舊腳踏車煥然一新。A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much.
- 新的一層噴漆將使這台舊腳踏車煥然一新。A fresh coat of paint will dress up the old bicycle very much
- 我的車子重新噴漆,他們做得差勁得很。They did a half-assed job in repainting my car
- 噴漆是一種更為迅速的漆牆方式。Spray painting is a faster way to get the paint on the wall