bump; meet; run into; touch中文解釋:
碰 pèng 撞擊:碰擊。碰撞。碰壁(喻事情辦不成)。碰碰車。碰釘子。 相遇:...>>查看“碰”在國語字典中的解釋
- 碰到這樣的情況,你一定要冷靜。Keep calm in such a situation
- 最近看一場很熱門的電影時,我碰見了我以前的女朋友。In a recent mega-hit movie, I ran into my ex girl friend.
- 撲通聲、衝撞聲沉重的下落或碰撞發出的聲音The sound of a heavy fall or collision.
- (輪子觸碰著陸地)著陸的行為;尤其指飛機。a landing (as the wheels touch the landing field); especially of airplanes.
- 用肘碰或戳某人的肋部Dig sb in the ribsbnudge or prod sb hard in the side
- 我碰巧聽到了他所說的話。I happened to overhear what he said.
- 很不幸的,我碰到過。I do, unfortunately;
- 一個碰見他的學生說:“晚安,老師。”A pupil meeting him said:"Good evening, professor"