拼音:pēn chū英文翻譯
eject; burst forth; erupt; jet; puff; spout; spurt out; squirt; snort【化】 ejiection; spurt
1.belchout 2.jet 3.spirt 4.burstforth 5.spurtout 6.squirt 7.spoutout 8.eructation 9.ejection 10.effusion 11.erupt 12.brokeforth 13.vomit 14.upwelling 15.eruct 16.eructate例句:
- 火山噴出了熔岩。The volcano poured out molten rock.
- 好幾股水流從管子裡噴出來。Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe.
- 壓力噴漿一種從特殊噴槍噴出的混凝土的混合物,用來噴在小型建築的鋼筋加固物上A concrete mixture that is sprayed from a special gun over steel reinforcements in light construction.
- 火焰(從噴嘴中)噴出來了。Flames jetted out (of the nozzles).
- 水正從管子裡噴出來。Water is spouting out of the pipe.