拼音:páng dà de 英文解釋:
giant; gigantic; huge; enormous; astronomical; bulky; colossal; voluminous相關詞條:
gargantuan 2.
gigantean 3.
hugeous 4.
ingens 5.
dinosauric 6.
prodigious 7.
enormously 8.
gargantuan 9.
cyclopean 10.
cyclopic 11.
gigantesque 12.
whopping 中英例句:
- 用多半尺度衡量,1988年對波音公司來說都是極好的一年。這一規模龐大的航空公司不但在銷售方面創下記錄,並積壓了大量訂單。
By most measures, 1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
- 龐大的體積龐大的;巨大的
Of enormous size; huge.
- 龐大的面積、體積、容積很大的;巨大的
Of immense size, volume, or capacity; gigantic.
- 龐大的,巨大的非常大的,力大無比的,艱巨的
Of unusual size, power, or difficulty.
- 城市迅速興起,龐大的工人階級也發展了起來。
Cities grew rapidly, a large labouring class developed
- 去年以來, 中國向美國派去兩個龐大的採購團。
China has sent two large purchasing groups to the U.S. since last year.
- 他們認為"尼西"可能是一種龐大的、還不為人類所知的海蛞蝓。
They think that it could be a huge, unknown kind of sea slug.
- 笨重的體形龐大的或身體沉重的
Enormous in size or strength.