拼音:pàn biàn英文解釋:
mutiny【法】 mutiny; perfidy; revolt
背叛自己的階級或集團而採取敵對行動或投到敵對的一方去叛變投敵 >>查看“叛變”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他投敵叛變了。He sold out to his enemies.
- 一些省份被證實叛變了;支持篡位者的變節者。some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper.
- 有一名叛變者透露了敵方艦隊的部署.A defector revealed the disposition of the enemy fleet.
- 他終於因叛變行為而受到懲罰。He was eventually brought to book for his treachery.
- 事實上,它如此愚弄了他的船員以致於它幾乎導致他們叛變。In fact, it so fooled his crew that it almost led them to mutiny.
- 我們的一名特工已叛變投敵.One of our spies has defected to the enemy
- 心懷不滿的人扇動船員叛變。Discontended men stirred the crew to mutiny.
- 他企圖慫恿那艘船的船員叛變,但沒有成功。He tried in vain to set on the crew of the ship to rebellion.