decide; distinguish; judge; obviously; sentence中文解釋:
判 pàn 區別,分辨,斷定:判明。判辨。判據。判讀(利用已知的視覺信息符號來...>>查看“判”在國語字典中的解釋
- 訓練或表現出良好的判斷。exercising or showing good judgment.
- 你想當裁判嗎?Do you want to be the umpire?
- 主見意見或判斷An opinion or a judgment.
- 法官作出有利於約翰的判決。The court has decided in favour of John.
- 經過一年的談判, 我們達成了協定。We consummated an agreement after a year of negotiation
- 判斷怎樣行事才算合適;決定以什麼方式行事。see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way
- 不給予判分的回合稱為“重發球”。A let is a rally of which the result is not scored.
- 該違法行為將被判處最多6個月的監禁,並支付罰金。The offence carries a penalty of up to six months imprisonment and a fine.