拼音:pāi zi 英文解釋:
beat; pulse; tempo中文解釋:
(1) ∶同“拍 2 ”(2) ∶有節奏音樂的時間單位 >>
查看“拍子”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tempo 2.
meter 3.
tempi 4.
tact 5.
metre 6.
pulse 相關對話:
- 瑪麗和著樂曲打拍子。
Mary beat time to the music.
- 雙拍子的每小節含有兩拍或偶數拍的
Consisting of two or a multiple of two beats to the measure.
- 樂隊的每個成員都必須跟著拍子演奏。
Every member of the band must follow the beat.
- 他吹笛子的時候,用腳打拍子。
He marked time with his foot, when he played on flute.
- 男孩跟著音樂拍子跳舞。
The boy danced in step to the music.
- 短句,樂句樂曲的一部分,通常包括四或八個拍子
A segment of a composition, usually consisting of four or eight measures.
- 短句,樂句樂曲的一部分,通常包括四或八個拍子
A segment of a composition, usually consisting of four or eight measures
- 現在我放CD糟,你一邊呼,一邊用腳打拍子了。”
Now when I play CDs, you hum and tap your feet.