拼音:pá háng de英文解釋:
creeping; reptile相關詞條:
1.reptile 2.reptant 3.creeping相關對話:
- 爬行的東西One that creeps.
- 任何昆蟲、類爬蟲或爬行的無脊椎動物的泛稱。general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate.
- 19凡有翅膀爬行的物、是與你們不潔淨、都不可吃。All flying insects that swarm are unclean to you; do not eat them.
- 爬行動物爬行的東西,尤指某些昆蟲幼蟲的早期形體One that crawls, especially an early form of certain insect larvae.
- 爬行爬行的動作;爬行的姿勢或過程The act of creeping; a creeping motion or progress.
- 您是否有螞蟻在疼痛處爬行的感覺?Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful place?