拼音:ōu mǔ jiē chù英文解釋:
【電】 ohmic contact漢語造句:
- 歐姆接觸鋅電極的研製The Study of Ohm Attachment Zn Electrode
- 用連續CO_2雷射合金化製備Au-Ge-Ni-n GaAs歐姆接觸CW CO_2 Laser Alloying of Au-Ge-Ni Ohmic Contacts on n-GaAs
- Au-Si與n-GaP歐姆接觸的表面與界面特性Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces of Au-Si Ohmic Contact to n-GaP
- 用連續CO_2雷射在n-InP上製備歐姆接觸Fabrication of Ohmic Contact on n-Inp by CW-CO_2 Laser
- GaN歐姆接觸與MSM結構紫外探測器研究Study of Ohmic Contact and MSM UV Detector Based on GaN