拼音:nǚ zhǔ rén 英文解釋:
goodwife; hostess; housemistress; mistress中文解釋:
(1) (2) 擁有、占有或控制著某事物的婦女有一大筆財產的女主人(3) 家族或... >>
查看“女主人”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
lady 2.
housemistress 3.
goodwife 4.
alewife 漢語造句:
- 我可以和府上女主人說句話嗎?
Might I speak to the lady of the house?
- 男女主人(在客人間)走來走去招待客人。
The host and hostess circulated (among their guests).
- 約翰在離去前特意向女主人道謝。
John made a point of thanking his hostess before his leaving.
- 女主人招待客人進餐時風雅而又得體。
The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity.
- 狗在女主人的身邊奔跑。
The dog ran alongside his mistress.