拼音:nú lì英文解釋:
slave; serf; bond servant; bondman; bondsman; chattel; thrall【法】 bondage; servus; slave
(1) (2) 為奴隸主勞動而沒有人身自由的人,可以被奴隸主殺死或買賣(3) 完... >>查看“奴隸”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.mameluke 2.thrall 3.helotry 4.helot 5.serf 6.bondsman 7.vassal 8.servant 9.bondslave 10.bondman 11.bondservant 12.coffle 13.servility 14.chattel 15.minion漢語造句:
- 這個奴隸被鞭打死。The slave was strapped to death.
- 奴隸們被釋放了。The slaves were enfranchised.
- 那些奴隸艱難地把沉重的石塊拖上山。The slaves toiled up the hill pulling the heavy blocks.
- 奴隸們用刀殺死了主人。The slaves slew their masters with swords.
- 這個奴隸從未體驗過自由的快樂。The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom.
- 這個奴隸夢想著成為一個自由人。This slave dreamed of becoming a freeman.
- 奴隸們起來反抗奴隸主並把他們都殺光。The slaves rebelled against their masters and killed them all.
- 他把妻子當作奴隸看待。He treats his wife like a slave.