拼音:nòng qīng英文解釋:
make clear; ravel; understand fully【法】 ascertain
1.figuredown 2.makeanythingofit中英例句:
- 先弄清他確實有錢再把汽車給他。Don't let him have the car until you've seen the colour of his money.
- 她非要弄清是誰的責任不可。She made it her business (ie special task) to find out who was responsible.
- 我們已弄清楚是誰幹的了。We've sussed (out) who did it.
- 弄清楚契約的條件是什麼。Find out what the conditions of the contract are.
- 很難弄清楚他們那套官僚體制全部細微的層次分別。It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy.