拼音:nóng mín英文解釋:
a son of the soil; boor; granger; peasantry; rustic【法】 colonus; farmer
1.指務農的人。 >>查看“農民”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 煽動者慫恿農民叛變。Agitators urged the peasants to revolt .
- 徐本禹出身在山東聊城一個貧困農民家裡。Xu Benyu was born in a impoverished farmer family in Liao City in Shandong
- 農民們尊他為專家。The peasants looked up to him as a specialist
- 農民們平了300英畝地。The peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.
- 被奪去土地的農民就流入城市。Peasants who were robed of their land drifted to the cities.
- 英國沒有農民。There are no peasants in Britain.
- 學生2:我是農民。我在農場工作。S2: I am a farmer I work on farm
- 有實際經驗的農民a practical farmer