拼音:nóng chuāng 英文解釋:
abscess; fester
一種化膿性皮膚病,病原體是鏈球菌或葡萄球菌,症狀是皮膚上出現紅斑,很快變成水皰或... >>
查看“膿瘡”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
pustule 2.
abscess 3.
runningsore 相關對話:
- 我想我的牙床上有個膿瘡,這可能是嚴重的。
I think I have an abscess on my gums. This could be serious.
- 膿頭中間有膿液的膿瘡、癤或丘疹的頂端
The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms.
- 膿頭中間有膿液的膿瘡、癤或丘疹的頂端
The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms
- 你鼻子上的膿瘡可真夠大的。
That is one prize-winning zit on your nose.
- 生小膿皰小膿瘡的形成或出現
The formation or appearance of pustules.
- 導致…形成膿瘡
To cause to form pustules.
- 我想我的牙床上有個膿瘡,這可能是嚴重的。
I think I have an abscess on my gums. This could be serious.