拼音:niú zǎi英文解釋:
bull-puncher; cowboy; stockrider中文解釋:
(1) ∶通常指騎馬放牧的牛場牧人牛仔褲;牛仔帽;牛仔服(2) ∶家牛的仔 >>查看“牛仔”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bull-puncher 2.cowpuncher 3.cowpoke 4.poke 5.stockrider 6.buckaroo 7.cowhand 8.rancher 9.bronchobuster漢語造句:
- 在這首詩中,作者以三言兩語就把這個牛仔的整個辛苦生涯勾畫無遺。In this poem the writer has the whole toiling life of the cowboy done off in two or three touches.
- 牛仔過著悠閒的生活。The cowboy lives an idle life.
- 我看過許多牛仔片。I have watched many cowboy movies.
- 他在最近的一部影片中主演一位牛仔。In his last film he starred as a cowboy.