拼音:ní jiāng英文翻譯
slop; slurry【化】 mud
1.claysuspension 2.mud 3.sludge 4.slip 5.mudsolution 6.mudfluid 7.mud-ladenfluid 8.muddywater 9.slimepulp 10.slimewater 11.drillingmud例句:
- 泥漿在木板上流過。Muddy water swilled over the planks.
- 卡車濺得我滿身衣服都是泥漿。The truck bespattered my clothes with mud.
- 路上積滿了泥漿。The road is thick with mud.
- 這男孩把泥土拌成泥漿。The boy churned the earth into mud.
- 在鑽機的金剛鑽頭旋轉的時候,泥漿便進行了潤滑。As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud.