拼音:niàn zhòu 英文解釋:
一種迷信行為。即念誦自認為可以產生神奇力量的神秘語句。 唐 段成式 《酉陽雜俎... >>
查看“念咒”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
incantation 2.
chanting 3.
castingaspell 相關對話:
- 她會神志恍惚, 哀聲向幽靈念咒語。
She would go into a trance and wail her incantations to the spirits
- 詛罵對…念咒語
To pronounce a curse against
- 念咒口頭咒語或符咒的儀式性的吟誦以產生魔力的效果
Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect
- 女巫念咒詛咒他.
The witch put a curse on him, ie used a curse against him.
- 女巫念咒詛咒他
The witch put a curse on him, ie used a curse against him
- 念咒召喚通過魔力或超自然力召喚(魔鬼或神靈)
To summon(a devil or spirit) by magical or supernatural power.
- 念咒召喚通過魔力或超自然力召喚(魔鬼或神靈)
To summon(a devil or spirit) by magical or supernatural power
- 她會神志恍惚, 哀聲向幽靈念咒語。
She would go into a trance and wail her incantations to the spirits.