- 對這一類貨物的訂購接近年終時通常開始逐漸減少。
Orders for goods of this kind usually begin to tail off towards the end of the year.
- 在年終分配之後,這個公社家家戶戶都有錢存入銀行。
After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up.
- 在年終聯歡會季節,晚上是幾乎不可能叫到計程車的。
It's next to impossible to catch a taxi at night during the year- end party season.
- 這位老華僑晚年終於回歸祖國。
The old overseas chinese returned to his motherland in his late years.
- 我國最大的電腦造商,一度曾為帶動成長的火車和無與倫比的成功企業,說裁員及工廠關閉將耗費60億元——納稅前數字。此一數字將在年終結賬的最後項目中顯現。
reflected in its bottom line by the end of this year
- 那年年終, 傳來了秘魯發生大地震的訊息。
The year went out with the news of a major earthquake in Peru.
- 年終清理
year-end check-up
- 年終前他們已售出近百萬冊。
They had sold about a million copies before the year was out