拼音:nián qīng英文解釋:
juvenility; juvenscence; youth【法】 juvenility
人的歲數不大:他很年輕|我比他年輕|領導班子年輕化。 >>查看“年輕”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lad 2.juvenscence 3.juvenility 4.rejuvenate 5.youth 6.boy中英例句:
- 老年人通常比年輕人保守。Old people are usually more conservative than young people.
- 這個年輕的姑娘長著一雙杏眼。The young girl has a pair of almond eyes.
- 獲得冠軍的那個弓箭手很年輕。The archer who won the game is very young.
- 我們應該多注意危險的思想意識對年輕人的影響。We should pay more attention to the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies.
- 是兩名年輕記者揭露了全部陰謀。It was two young reporters who uncovered the whole plot.
- 他年輕時是個翻筋斗的雜技演員。He was a tumbler when he was young.
- 這位年輕的士兵被任命為騎兵隊的隊長。The young soldier was appointed squadron leader.
- 現在我不會唱歌了,但我年輕的時候會。I can't sing now, but I could when I was young.