拼音:nián jīn英文解釋:
annuity; pension; reprise【醫】 annuity
【經】 annuity; gale; rente
1.按年支付的一定金額,用以撫?死亡﹑傷殘或獎酬有勳勞的人。 >>查看“年金”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 彼得每年給其妻200鎊年金,此款出自其地產之收益。Peter gave to his wife an annuity of£200 a year, to be issuing out of his lands.
- 法律授予我們領取年金的權利。The law enables us to receive an annuity.
- 有期員工;有期年金。terminable employees; a terminable annuity
- 延期年金,定存年金a deferred annuity
- 10年金屬機加工車銑工作經驗。"10 years working experience in a millturn machining industries
- 他從政府領取年金。He have a government annuity or an annuity from the government