拼音:niàng chéng 英文解釋:
breed; bring on; lead to; spawn
mature(armtr) 例句:
- 任何誤解都可能釀成一場爭吵。
Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.
- 整件事釀成了激烈的爭吵。
The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel
- 六年後這酒就釀成了。
After six years the wine will hav。e matured.
- 洪水給山谷釀成了大災害。受寒會導致感冒
Floods brought destruction to the valley A chill can bring on a cold
- 小錯不改, 將會釀成大錯。
If small mistakes are passed by, they may lead to more serious ones.
- 在加拿大用穀類釀成的含酒精的酒,在加拿大很受歡迎。
A n alcoholic drink m ade from grain that is popular in C anada