Buddhist nun; priestess中文解釋:
尼 ní 梵語“比丘尼”的簡稱,佛教中出家修行的女子:尼姑。尼庵。削髮為尼。 ...>>查看“尼”在國語字典中的解釋
- 世間的女性,甚至尼姑,都情願失掉貞操也不願失掉聲譽。Any woman in the world, even a nun, will rather lose her virtue than her reputation.
- 奧尼爾先生說,我們調查的重點在於確定:犯罪集團在Heritage案中扮演了何種角色。"Part and parcel of our investigation is to determine what role organized crime played in the Heritage affairs." Mr. O'Neil said.
- 後來他女兒到英國度假的時候找到了史蒂芬尼-巴斯滕。His daughter later tracked down Batstone while on vacation in Britain.
- 我看見尼克松夫人身穿喪服,她失去了誰?Mrs Nixon is in black, I see. Whom has she lost?
- 為什麼印度尼西亞的頭號選手蘇普揚托沒能進入前四名?Why did their top player Suprianto fail to make the final four?
- 劉易斯的《納尼亞傳奇》系列兒童幻想小說是世界幻想小說的里程碑似的作品。Lewis is the milestone of the fantasy novels in the world.
- 波洛尼亞進程框架下俄羅斯高等教育系統的改革Reform of Higher Education System in Russia Under the Bologna Framework