拼音:nèi yī 英文解釋:
underwear; underclothes; shirt; underdress; undergarment
(1) ∶貼身的衣服(2) 〈方〉∶穿在外衣之內的衣服(如襯裙、緊身胸罩、男游... >>
查看“內衣”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 這是一種暢銷的棉質內衣。
This is a best-selling line in cotton underwear
- 里耳線織物用這種線織成的織物,尤指襪類及內衣
Fabric knitted of this thread, used especially for hosiery and underwear
- 他把薄紙去掉,遞給了我那件內衣。
He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip.
- 內衣舒適性探討
A study on the comfort of underwear
- 我母親洗我內衣褲,我把襪子和襯衫拿到乾洗店裡洗。
My mother does my underwear. I take my pants and shirts to the cleaners.
- 沒有,這些全部是T恤衫和內衣。
No. They are all T-shirts and underwear.
- 內衣外衣下邊貼身穿著的衣服
A garment worn under outer garments, especially one worn next to the skin.
- 我把襯衫和內衣塞進兩個抽屜。
I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers.