字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>內心的英文翻譯 “內心”的日文翻譯


拼音:nèi xīn


heart; innermost being


(1) ∶心中;心裡;內心深處內心的痛苦(2) ∶三角形的內切圓的圓心或四面體的... >>查看“內心”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 慢性子的人傾向於成為注重內心世界的哲學家和藝術家。
    Slow people tend to be the inner-focused philosophers and artists.
  2. 感謝你傾聽你內心的聲音”。
    Thank you for listening to your heart."
  3. 有時,由於渴望能看到這一切東西,我的內心在哭泣。
    At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things.
  4. 使深入心靈在內心深處放置、接受或珍藏
    To place, receive, or cherish in the soul.
  5. 但是,內心深處有一個聲音堅持說這實在是我的運氣。
    But a voice inside me always insists this was really a piece of luck
  6. 我在內心深入仍然愛著他。
    Deep down I still loved him.
  7. 何時我的背影才能告訴我,內心的我到底是怎樣的?
    When will my reflection show who I am inside?
  8. 聽說她病了,他內心很不安。
    He was internally disturbed to hear of her illness.
