字典網>> 漢英字典>> N開頭詞條>>內陸的的英文翻譯


拼音:nèi lù de


inland; interior; upcountry


  1. 河口港從海洋通向內陸的河或海灣;河口灣
    A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an estuary.
  2. 巴拉圭是個內陸的國家。
    Paraguay is a landlocked country
  3. 瑞士是內陸的國家,沒有海上貿易港口。
    Switzerland is a landlocked country, with no port for sea trade
  4. 河口港從海洋通向內陸的河或海灣;河口灣
    A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an estuary
  5. 瑞士是內陸的國家,沒有海上貿易港口。
    Switzerland is a landlocked country, with no port for sea trade.
  6. 內地的,內陸的某一國家或地區內部的,與此有關的,或處於其內部的
    Of, relating to, or located in the interior part of a country or region.
  7. 內地的,內陸的某一國家或地區內部的,與此有關的,或處於其內部的
    Of, relating to, or located in the interior part of a country or region
  8. 內陸的位於遠離海岸或邊境的;內地的
    Situated away from a coast or border; inland
