- 一個國家的內陸地區或高地
An inland or upland region of a country.
- 美洲內陸水域和牧場的鴴,叫聲特別。
American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry
- 巴拉圭是個內陸的國家。
Paraguay is a landlocked country
- 由於家庭破裂,她從內陸來到他的學校。
She comes to his school from the Midlands because her family had split up.
- 我騎駱駝穿越了澳洲內陸
Pass Through Australia on Came
- 在平底鍋或煎鍋里烘焙而成(南部和內陸地區)。
baked in a pan or on a griddle (Southern and Midland).
- 位於亞洲中部的一個內陸社會主義共和國。
a landlocked socialist republic in central Asia
- 瑞士是內陸的國家,沒有海上貿易港口。
Switzerland is a landlocked country, with no port for sea trade