拼音:nèi fú英文解釋:
to be taken orally【醫】 oral medication
吃藥,與外敷相對(區別於“外敷”) >>查看“內服”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 這是房內服務部,我能幫您什麼忙嗎?Room service. What can I do for you?
- 藥劑師製藥並銷售藥材及其它內服藥劑的人;藥劑師One that prepares and sells drugs and other medicines; a pharmacist
- 這是內服藥。一天四次,每次兩片。This is for internal use Two tablets, four times a day
- 機內服務是否包括膳食和飲料?Does the in-flight services include the serving of meals and drinks?
- 請勿內服。That is not to be taken internally.