inner; inside; within【醫】 end-; endo-; ento-; in-; intra-
內 nèi 裡面,與“外”相對:內部。內外。內定。內地。內閣。內行(h俷g )...>>查看“內”在國語字典中的解釋
- 主張在法律範圍內逐漸改革的(英國)社會主義。(British) socialism to be established by gradual reforms within the law.
- 充滿暴力和刺激性內容的小說A blood-and-thunder story
- 新華社報導,這是遇難礦工被困76小時內唯一的食物來源。It was their only source of nourishment in 76 hours, Xinhua said.
- M和FC對兩組進行根管內封藥,並對兩組藥物的IAE發生率進行分析。 結果D.The IAE incidence rate of two groups were analyzed.
- 國內燃具發展研究The Research on the Development of Chinese Cooking Stove
- 我鞠躬入室內。I bowed myself into the room.
- 我們訪問的那個地區經歷過內戰,滿目瘡痍。The region we visited showed the scars of the civil war.
- 所羅門列島中最大的一個;巴布亞新幾內亞的一個省。the largest of the Solomon Islands; a province of Papua New Guinea.