拼音:nào fān 英文解釋:
fall out with sb.中文解釋:
相互爭鬥激烈,完全失去和氣兩人鬧翻了,誰也不理誰 >>
查看“鬧翻”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他曾一度和他的叔父鬧翻。
He once fell out with his uncle.
- 自從[社會福利]支票停止以後,魯賓遜小姐從公寓被迫遷出來,找到一個男友,跟他鬧翻了,最後到了無家可歸者的收容所里。
Since the [welfare] checks stopped, Ms. Robinson has been evicted from an apartment, found a boy-friend and fallen out with him, and wound up in a shelter for the homeless.
- 我敢保證他們要不了多久就會為母親留下的那筆錢鬧翻的。
It won't be long before they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I'm a Dutchman.
- 這兩個好朋友鬧翻了。
The two good friends split up.
- 這兩個國家在有關進口問題的激烈爭吵中鬧翻了。
The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports
- 他們鬧翻了。
They quarrelled and split up.; They fell out.
- 他們以前是好朋友,不過我聽說他們鬧翻了。
They used to be good friends, but I hear they have fallen out.
- 和某人鬧翻
Split with sb.