- 用來編織籃子的剖開的細長木條
A strip of flexible wood used for making baskets.
- 這些油畫是用細木條做背襯的。
The oil paintings are backed up with slats.
- 一種用彎曲的有彈力的木條綁上緊張的繩索來發射箭的裝置。
curved piece of resilient wood with taut cord to propel arrows.
- 由草皮和木條搭建的原始村舍
primitive cottages made of sods of turf and sticks
- 窗格條窗戶上用來隔開和固定窗玻璃片的木條或者金屬條
A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window
- 用木條做的框架,外面包著薄紙;人們用線牽著它,讓它隨風飛。
light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string.
- 他將木條弄彎曲了。
He curved the piece of wood.
- 引火物易點燃的材料,例如乾木條,用於點火
Easily ignited material, such as dry sticks of wood, used to start a fire