- 紡紗時用來纏紗線的木棍或栓。
a stick or pin used to twist the yarn in spinning.
- 給你根木棍, 也許你用得著它。
Here's a stick in case you should need it
- 他撿起一根粗木棍,把襲擊他的人打退了。
He picked up a heavy stick and knocked his attacker for six
- 剌棒一端尖的長木棍,用來驅趕牲畜
A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals
- 木棍被捆成了捆。
The sticks of wood were bound together in bunches.
- 一根彎曲的木棍
a crooked stick
- 這個咒語可以變出一根木棍。
Spell that conjures a wooden rod
- 一種Y形的小木棍,上邊兩丫之間有一條橡皮筋;常用來射出小石塊(以攻擊別人)。
Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones.