拼音:mù guāng英文解釋:
gaze; look; sight; view; vision【電】 eyelight
(1) (2) 眼睛的神采;眼光目光炯炯(3) 抱負;志向目光遠大 >>查看“目光”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 能看很遠的,目光銳利的Able to see far; keen-sighted.
- 目光遠大的人便也心胸開闊。Those who take long views are broad-minded.
- 她轉移目光不看那可怕的情景。She averted her eyes from the terrible sight.
- 但把目光限於最優如何生產出最優有其局限。But focusing on how the best produce the best has its limits.
- 當我們與陌生人擦肩而過時,多數人往往把目光移開。These daily encounters, when they are angry or alien, diminish our lives.
- 他的目光盯在寶石上。His gaze fastened on the jewels.
- 他目光銳利,不比任何人差。He could see through a brick wall as well as most men
- 那頭牛投出好奇的目光。The bull casts a curious glance