拼音:móu fǎn英文解釋:
rebel; rebellion【法】 plot treason; revolt
圖謀反叛 >>查看“謀反”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.relent 2.conspiracy 3.toplotarevolt例句:
- 在任何國家裡,煽動他人謀反者,都屬犯叛國罪。In all countries any person who incites others to insurrection is guilty of treason.
- 他們被控欺君謀反、知情不舉。They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.
- 她未曾想到這計謀反倒使她自食其果。The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.
- 他們是具有煽動性、反抗性、謀反性的T型性格者。”"They were seditious rebellious, traitorous T types."
- 他狡猾的計謀反害了他自己。His wily plan rebounded on him.
- 這些謀反者立約保守秘密。The conspirators were bound to secrecy.
- 他是個煽動謀反者。He was setter-on to treason.
- 他們被控欺君謀反、 知情不舉.They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.