字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>磨碎的英文翻譯


拼音:mó suì


grind; triturate
【化】 grinding
【醫】 confrication


  1. 加糖、磨碎的橘子皮和橘子汁的黃油吐司。
    buttered toast with sugar and grated orange rind and a little orange juice
  2. 硬的、芬芳的肉豆蔻樹種子,磨碎或碾碎後用作香料。
    hard aromatic seed of the nutmeg tree used as spice when grated or ground.
  3. 辣根調料用此種植物的根磨碎後製成的一種辛辣的調味品
    A sharp condiment made of the grated roots of this plant
  4. 黑色或白色磨碎的種子,用來做芥末糊或芥末粉。
    black or white seeds ground to make mustard pastes or powders.
  5. 某物被壓碎或磨碎時的聲音。
    the sound of something crunching.
  6. 磨碎麥子製成麵粉。
    Grind up the wheat to make flour.
  7. 這石頭能磨碎用來築路。
    This rock can be ground up and used for road building.
  8. 搗碎;磨碎把麥芽或穀物調成麥芽漿
    To convert(malt or grain) into mash.
