拼音:mó fǎng zhě英文解釋:
copyist; epigone; mimic; mocker相關詞條:
1.epigonus 2.mimical 3.imitators 4.micker 5.aper中英例句:
- 追隨者,模仿者二流的模仿者或追隨者,尤指追隨或模仿藝術家或哲學家的人A second-rate imitator or follower, especially of an artist or a philosopher.
- 模仿者死板地模仿或仿效他人的人One that closely imitates or mimics another.
- 一個著名作家、藝術家或者音樂家的劣等的模仿者。an inferior imitator of some distinguished writer or artist of musician.
- 模仿者模仿人動作的動物或模仿者A mimic or an imitator.
- 波德萊爾:雨果的模仿者Baudelaire:the imitator of Victor Hugo