字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>末端的英文翻譯


拼音:mò duān


end; extreme; fag end; tag end; tail end; terminal; tip
【醫】 metepencephalon; terminal; terminatio; termination; termini; tetminus


(1) ∶尾端,排尾,最後的一端蠍子尾巴末端的毒刺(2) ∶最後的一頭末端鍵 >>查看“末端”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 擠入的,插緊的在斷裂的末端擠在一起的。用來描述斷裂的骨頭
    Wedged together at the broken ends. Used of a fractured bone.
  2. 末端有這種構造的肢體
    A limb terminating in such a structure
  3. 發生在末端、終止時刻或者形成末端、終點。
    occurring at or forming an end or termination.
  4. 打開噴嘴(在水管的末端)。
    Turn on the nozzle cat the end of hosered.
  5. 跑道末端更有郵輪碼頭,方便遊客。
    Also on the terminal was a pier for tourist coming from the sea.
  6. 一種新型變風量末端裝置和系統的試驗研究
    Test study on a new type of VAV terminal device and VAV system
  7. 小分枝小枝或分枝的末端或最後細分
    A small branch or the terminal or ultimate subdivision of a branch.
  8. 配電網饋線末端故障定位最佳化算法
    Optimized Algorithm for Fault Location at the Terminal of a Feeder Line
