字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>民族的的英文翻譯


拼音:mín zú de


【法】 ethnic


1.gentilitial  2.tional  3.ethnic  4.ethnical  


  1. 會社,團體由於職業、宗教或民族的原因而共享相似利益、理想或經歷
    The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality.
  2. 在那個國家的少數民族的國籍問題上仍有爭論。
    The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.
  3. 美國政治的天才在於它有能力將組成這個巨大而多樣化的民族的各個利益集團相互衝突矛盾的需求和願望進行調和。
    The genius of American politics has been its ability to compromise the conflicting needs and desires of the great variety of interest groups that make up so huge and diverse a nation.
  4. 一個住在土庫曼斯坦及其鄰近地區、屬於土爾其語系的民族的人。
    a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas
  5. 構築21世紀中華民族的價值觀
    Construct the Values of the 21st Century of the Chinese People
  6. 猶它州、科羅拉多州和新墨西哥州的肖肖尼語民族的人。
    a member of the Shoshonean people of Utah and Colorado and New Mexico.
  7. 在4世紀侵略歐洲的遊牧民族的一支。
    a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century
  8. 坎帕尼亞區的說歐斯乾語的遠古民族的人。
    an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania.
