拼音:mín huì英文解釋:
witenagemot【法】 comitia
- 有時這些僕役移民會預付一部分運費。Sometimes the redemption prepaid a portion of the costs of passage
- 因此也就不難理解大量移民會招致人們的憂慮。So it is understandable if mass immigration causes concerns.
- 那些難民會落得什麼結果呢?What will become of those refugees?
- 他們戰戰兢兢,唯恐農民會聽到這事。They trembled lest the peasants should hear of it.
- 您認為加入聯合國對瑞士政府和人民會有哪些好處?What benefits do you think will it bring to Swiss government and people?
- 有時這些僕役移民會預付一部分運費。Sometimes the redemption prepaid a portion of the costs of passage.