字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>明文的英文翻譯 “明文”的日文翻譯


拼音:míng wén


proclaimed in writing


(1) ∶密碼文或其單元的明語形式密碼中的PA代表明文中的TH(2) ∶形成了書... >>查看“明文”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.plaintext  2.cleartext  


  1. 任何船隻在這一帶沿海捕魚都將被扣留,這是明文規定的。
    It is laid down in plain terms that any boat fishing off the coast will be apprehended.
  2. 查爾斯被指控超速行駛,但後來又被宣布無罪,因為他鑽了法律的空子,法律明文規定:執行任務的警察應該穿上警服。
    Charles was charged with speeding but was acquitted because of a loophole in the law witch states that the arresting officer should have been in uniform.
  3. 要是我們的證明文件都很妥當的話,我們就能夠馬上走。
    If our documents had been in order we could have left at once.
  4. 那官員在統計表前加了一段說明文字.
    The official prefixed an explanatory note to the list of statistics.
  5. 申請人居民身份證明文件。
    Certificate of resident Status of Applicant.
  6. 銀行發的支票保付卡不是有效的身份證明文件。
    A credit card is not a valid proof of identity.
  7. 許可證證明持有者某些權力的證明文
    A certified document granting rights to its bearer.
  8. 明文章的主題
    point out the main idea of the article
