拼音:míng shēng英文解釋:
song; stridulation中文解釋:
有特色的音響;獨特的噪聲鳥鳴聲 >>查看“鳴聲”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.stroke 2.whiningnoise例句:
- 連續不斷的習機轟鳴聲老在頭上響著,使得人人心煩意亂。The constant noise of air craft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves.
- 哀鳴發出和這種叫聲相似的聲音,尤指哀鳴聲To utter a sound similar to this cry, especially a whine
- 他被林中的鳥鳴聲鬧醒。He is awaken by the song of birds in the tree.
- 迷途綿羊的哀鳴聲the doleful cries of lost sheep
- 囀鳴聲尖厲高音,如動物或發射物而發出的聲音A whistling sound, as of an animal or a projectile
- 飛機發出低沉的轟鳴聲掠過頭頂。The planes flew overhead with a low drone