拼音:míng qì 英文解釋:
fame; reputation; repute中文解釋:
1.猶名聲。 >>
查看“名氣”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 湯姆意識到自己已小有名氣了。
Tom found himself something of a celebrity
- 4張翻倒的七=爭吵的人;3張翻倒的七=喜悅;2張翻倒的七=沒名氣的女人。
4 Sevens = quarrellers; 3 Sevens = joy; 2 Sevens = women of no repute.
- 從有名氣的入手,找你認識的或有人推薦的。
Start with a brand name and find someone you connect with
- 他從前是個有名氣的選手,而結果成為一個一無所長的人。
He was formerly a known player, but turned out a very bad hat indeed
- 這人跟令尊曼內特先生一樣在巴黎也頗有名氣。
Like Monsieur Manette, your father, the gentleman was of repute in Paris.
- 莎士比亞是個有名氣的劇作家,他是靠讓人家引用話來過日子的。
Shakespeare was a dramatist of not who lived by writing thing to quote
- 這家電台早期曾在一間車庫播音,隨後逐漸有了名氣。
This radio station used to broadcast from a garage before becoming famous
- 我們因為他的名氣而知其人。
We kwon him by his reputation.