拼音:míng liàng de 英文解釋:
light; bright; illustrious; luminous; radiant相關詞條:
undimmed 2.
vivid 3.
radiant 4.
lucent 例句:
- 照亮的;明亮的
Shining through; luminous.
- 她的孩子有一雙美麗而明亮的藍眼睛。
Her baby has bonny and bright blue eyes.
- 明亮的燈光刺痛了我的眼睛。
The light hurt my eyes with its brightness.
- 明亮的光使我一時目眩。
The bright lights blinded me for a moment.
- 一個溫暖明亮的夢
A Warm and Bright Dream
- 淡紫紅色輕淡、適度或明亮的紫羅蘭色,適度或深紅紫色
A moderate, light, or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish purple
- 她得知這一訊息時臉上現出一種明亮的光彩。
Her face cleared up when she heard the news.
- 多么明亮的陽光呀!
What bright sunshine it is!