字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>秘密會議的英文翻譯


拼音:mì mì huì yì


【法】 chamber council; closet consultation; executive session


  1. 他們舉行了一次秘密會議
    They held a closed-door meeting
  2. 委員會召開了秘密會議,會後宣布了決議。
    The committee went into a huddle and later declared their decision
  3. 他開錯了門,以致闖入了一間正在開秘密會議的房間。
    He opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.
  4. 一系列秘密會議
    A series of closed-door meetings.
  5. 我們開了一個秘密會議
    We hold a back-street meeting.
  6. 審判委員會的秘密會議
    A closed session of the judiciary committee
  7. 參議院今天召開一次秘密會議
    The senate had a session today with closed doors
  8. 進行私下商議;舉行秘密會議
    Hold a private or secret conference
