字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>秘密地的英文翻譯


拼音:mì mì dì


in private; in secret; hugger-mugger; in the dark; secretly; underground
【法】 behind the scenes; in close confinement; on the quiet; sub rosa
tete a tete


  1. 你我秘密地相會。
    In secret we met.
  2. 秘密地私下地進入(一個地方或地點)。
    a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position).
  3. 昨晚, 我們秘密地舉行了一次會議。
    Last night, we held a meeting in secret.
  4. 秘密地運輸禁運品或應該繳納稅款的貨物。
    secretly importing prohibited goods or goods on which duty is due.
  5. 秘密的秘密地進行或交流的;秘密的
    Done or communicated in confidence; secret
  6. 以秘密的方式;私下地或秘密地
    In a privy manner; privately or secretly
  7. 滲透逐漸地或秘密地獲得進入權
    To gain entrance gradually or surreptitiously.
  8. 她經常秘密地給彼得寫信。
    She often writes to Peter on the sly.
