拼音:mì jí英文解釋:
denseness【電】 concentrate
很緊密地擠在一起的密集的人群 >>查看“密集”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.compression 2.denseness 3.coarctation 4.closetogether 5.bristlewith 6.closepacking 7.close-packed 8.compaction 9.dense 10.intensive 11.thick 12.serry 13.swarm相關對話:
- 牆上有密集的子彈痕跡。The wall had been peppered with bullets.
- 樹叢,灌木叢樹木或灌木的密集的一叢A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes.
- 小徑上覆蓋著密集的落葉。Leaves lay thick in the lane.
- 熱帶植叢長滿了密集的熱帶植物的地帶Land densely overgrown with tropical vegetation.
- 山丘組成山脈的一部分獨立的大的山體或連線起來的山體密集群A large mountain mass or compact group of connected mountains forming an independent portion of a range.