拼音:miè jué de英文解釋:
- 人類是否會受到完全滅絕的威脅呢?Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?
- 他的關於恐龍滅絕的電影取得了巨大的成功。His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success.
- 花斑貓頭鷹是一個受威脅的物種,還不是一個瀕臨滅絕的物種。the spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one
- 產自紐西蘭已滅絕的不會飛的鳥。extinct flightless bird of New Zealand.
- 三、這是滅絕的文字嗎?Was it a dead-end script?
- 已經滅絕的模里西斯島上笨重的不會飛的鳥,與鴿子近緣。extinct heavy flightless bird of Mauritius related to pigeons.
- 使滅絕,使消亡趨於滅絕或使滅絕的Tending to extinguish or make extinct.